Thursday, May 2, 2019

Scratch: Adventures on the High Seas

Hello Students:

Today you are going to learn how to make a project in Scratch by following directions in a series of videos.

1)       Open the Grade 5 page on the PS 138 Homepage.

2)         Click on Adventures on the High Seas.

3)         Click on and watch the High Seas introduction.

4)         When the first video is finished, click “next” and continue watching the videos and following the instructions.

5)         When it asks you to join Scratch: 
a. Use your first name and the first initial of you last name as your username.
b.  Use you class number as your password.
c. Use        as your email address.

7)       Continue watching the videos and programming for your project.

8)        Raise your hand when you’re finished or if you have a question.

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